Enhance customer relationships with AI

Grow your business accurately with actionable insights to deliver a hyper-personalized and exceptional customer engagement across the customer journey.

Bring the power of AI for sales and marketing teams

Transforming your sales and marketing engagement platform with AI

AI and Machine learning the future of customer engagement–AI brings sales and marketing teams together, better for strong lead generation to build a brand relationship with every site visitor. Generally, sales and marketing teams have been challenging tasked to generate qualified leads, both teams equally work hard to drive leads but are often frustrated with low-quality leads, communication gaps, not engaging quickly, and following up to nurture them as needed. Thanks to advanced AI and machine learning, these teams can automate routine tasks like engagement, nurturing, qualification, and follow-up with leads and change the way of engaging with prospects. AI enables marketing teams to engage every website visitor and qualify them in real time based on their predicted intent. Sales teams smartly identify the prospects and skillfully track the journey of hot sales leads from qualification to closing deals. AI helps teams work smarter by automating tedious or repetitive tasks and saving time on building meaningful customer relationships to streamline processes and improve productivity.

Empower your revenue teams to engage at scale

Marketing Teams

Engage, nurture, follow-up and qualify potential leads at
scale and schedule more meetings for your sales reps.

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Sales Teams

RightChat AI assistant frees your sales reps to be more productive with their time and focus on closing more deals.

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Conversational AI with Next-Gen Customer Engagement

Transform customer engagement and drive business value. Automate conversations and deliver innovative experiences with conversational AI.

  • Power better conversations with context, relevance and personalization.
  • Multi-channel sales outreach to engage prospects to drive more pipeline and close more deals.
  • Support available 24×7×365 to enhance customer experience, reduces human errors, and no extra cost.

Make better, data-driven decisions

Get real-time, actionable insight with accurate predictions to make better decisions that drive better results through sales and marketing activity performance.

  • Gain insights into your sales pipeline to coach your team to success. Increase sales team productivity and rep performance.
  • Make more informed business decisions from your sales data and better manage your cash-flow, workforce and resources. Accurately predict future revenue and sales growth.
  • Spend less time creating spreadsheet report and more time accurately answering your business’s strategic questions.

Next best action

Boost your team productivity and personalized recommendations on the next best action across all touch points throughout every stage of the customer lifecycle.

  • Self-service allows contact-centers to maximize agent value, with next best action recommendations and AI capabilities that reduce post‑engagement work.
  • Deliver effortless experiences and streamline across-channel communication capabilities to help reps through their process while allowing for personalization based on customer needs.
  • Automatically create follow-up sequences to reschedule meetings with ease and sales activities. Identifies OOO emails replies, automatically pauses, and resumes sequence based on the return date in the email extracts new contact referral information from the email, and suggests the next best action – right from the inbox.

Artificial Intelligence the future of CRM

Pattern Recognition

Improve your bot’s intelligence post-go-live – identify the patterns by your machine learning algorithms to predict future trend in your customer queries that can improve existing training data.

Work Smarter

Use accurate predictions to make better decisions, manage risk, respond to problems and maximize opportunities for a successful outcome.

Go Beyond your CRM

Gain real time visibility by leveraging external data for deeper and newer insights to stay ahead like never before with AI-enabled CRM.

Never miss a lead opportunity

AI-Powered Assistants

Automatically follow-up and qualify all the lead at the top of the funnel with two-way, human-like, conversations across SMS, Email, and Website chat

Website Chatbot

Increase revenue by quickly converting website visitors into qualified leads, and schedule meetings with your sales team.

AI Lead Qualification

Automatically ask pre-qualification questions and qualify leads and pass the most qualified leads to your sales team.

Schedule Meeting

Automatically schedule meeting with qualified lead for your reps over SMS, Website chat, and email at any time.

Get a 360-degree customer view

A360-degree customer view will help you to better understand your customer journey and experience with your business.

Empower sales teams with truly actionable insights