High Performance SMS

We deliver robust features with perfect combination of flexibility, simplicity to extend your reach with endless resources.

SMS Delivery Rate

We assure our clients with 100% delivery rate and more than 90% messages will deliver in less than 10secs easily to the users.


This is for single way communication with your customers. Use our shared short-code or purchase your own vanity code, activation can take up to 24 hours.

Audio Record

No matter where you are, you can send Voice Messages even without any Internet connection or mobile phone coverage through ReterApp up to 10 thousands of simultaneous users.


User-friendly you can easily convert your text message into any regional language speech, or any audio or video clip message into any regional language text for quick understanding.

Upload files & Send

Instant include any file such as Images, PDFs, documents and more in your message send it through from your iOS and Android smartphone devices.